Aubrey, Troy 3 beses daw sa isang linggo kung mag-sex…o higit pa

Satisfied pa rin si Aubrey Miles kay Troy Montero. After 11 years and one five year old son, masaya pa rin daw ang buhay nina Aubrey and Troy kahit admittedly, living in together pa lang din sila.

May elder son kasi na kinu-consider si Aubrey na still studying pa dito sa Pilipinas and needs her taking care of bago niya pag-isipan na kumuha ng US citizenship sa America para makasal sila ni Troy which means living there for two straight years.

As is, wala namang problema ang dalawa specially at night lalo na’t they’re keeping the fire burning pa rin with the new Euphoria Maxx ng BFPC that increases Troy’s stamina, boost his energy and gives him extra libido.

This new brand of libido enhancer for men is now out in the market and contains a lot of extra potent materials to help the men maintain their stamina.

Mayroon itong L-Arginine, Tribulus Terrestris, Horny Goat Weed and Tongkat Ali, all top herbs traditionally known as aphrodisiacs.

And more so, nagulat ang lahat ng sinabi ng owners just how much Euphoria Maxx cost per capsule, ang mura kasi. This is a lot cheaper than the other libido enhancing drugs in the market so kahit the middle income guys can buy this and make their partners happy every night.

Kung dati raw ay three times a week lang sila kung magsiping, ngayon daw more pa at hindi basta-basta napapagod si Troy.

( Photo credit to EAS )