KRIS Aquino, from all indications, will try her luck in the international TV scene.
Based on her latest post kasi, she articulated why she will try to get work sa Hollywood TV.
“I had to try… because there’s a 1 in 2.33 billion chance i just might get the role. (how’d i come up with this number? i searched for the total population of Asia, and the latest figure is 4.463 billion so i took half of that number as a guestimate for the total number of Asian women.
“I also searched the Asian American population and it’s around 20 million. took half of that BUT didn’t factor age anymore because that’s just too much googling for my tired brain.) and with these odds- it was a decision to go for it, because i asked myself this question- what am i more afraid of?
“Never knowing the answer to my WHAT IF, or getting an email saying- sorry, but Kris Aquino wasn’t what we were looking for… it’s a character strength or a flaw, all depends on your perspective- i long for answers, and i search for truths- even the PAINFUL ones.
“In everything i’ve ever attempted, and in my view of people whether in personal or professional relationships, i have this one quote i always go back to ‘in your hesitation, i found my answer.’ i know- people love saying DON’T GIVE ALL, KEEP SOMETHING FOR YOURSELF. but it’s just not for me- i’ll give it my 100% or i’ll give nothing. if you cannot stand for or stand with something- then you’re better off staying seated.
“So i choose to keep on dreaming because more than enough of them have come true for me to keep on believing… a NO, and i will just attempt to find a new path… because for me, a MAYBE only gives comfort to the weak. and you can say i am not many things, BUT i want to be able to say, I AM ME, and that’s all i need to be.
“That’s why my new KRIS LIFEKITS lipsticks are called: LIFE, LOVE, LOYAL, LAUGH, LEARN, LUCKY, and LET GO. The powder foundations are LASTING, LOVE STORY, and LIFETIME.
“And my favorite blushes are FIRST LOVE, NEW LOVE, and LASTING LOVE.”
That’s her recent post.