The resurrection

November 23, 2013
33rd Week in
Ordinary Time
First Reading: 1Mac 6:1-13
Gospel Reading:
Lk 20:27-40

Some Sadducees arrived. These people claim that there is no resurrection and they asked Jesus this question, “Master, in the Scripture Moses told us: ‘If anyone dies leaving a wife but no children, his brother must take the wife, and the child to be born will be regarded as the child of the deceased man.’ Now, there were seven brothers; the first married a wife, but he died without children; and the second and the third took the wife; in fact all seven died leaving no children. Last of all the woman died. On the day of the resurrection, to which of them will the woman be wife? For the seven had her as wife.”

And Jesus replied, “Taking husband or wife is proper to people of this world, but for those who are considered worthy of the world to come and of resurrection from the dead, there is no more marriage.

Besides, they cannot die for they are like the angels. They too are sons and daughters of God because they are born of the resurrection. “Yes, the dead will be raised, and even Moses implied it in the passage about the burning bush, where he calls the Lord the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. For he is God of the living and not of the dead, and for him all are alive.” Some teachers of the Law then agreed with Jesus, “Master, you have spoken well.”

(Daily Gospel in the
Assimilated Life

A story is told of a Catechism teacher who asked a boy why Jesus was buried inside a borrowed tomb. The boy thought for a while and replied, “He didn’t need to purchase one because he needed a tomb only for three days.” The boy was right. Jesus did not die for good because he rose after three days. Jesus had no permanent place among the dead. Of this St. Paul testified: “He (Jesus) has been raised on the third day according to Scriptures” (1 Cor. 15:4).

The resurrection is at the core of our Christian belief because it is about the nature of the God. Our God is God of the living (Luke 20:39) who chose to die in order to bequeath to us a life perfected to last forever. To be a Christian, then is to be an heir to a life that lasts forever. But this inheritance can be renounced by choosing a life of evil. This choice affects us all because although an evil person dies for good, his evil deeds refuse to die and continue to inflict disaster upon many generations.

We can do very little to protect ourselves from people who make this choice because God is a big respecter of human freedom. But by their own choice they die forever. These are the people who really need to own a tomb.
— Rev. Fr. Dan Domingo P. delos Angeles, Jr., DM.

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