Lea ipinagtanggol si Jessy sa haters: Sexy naman talaga siya!

lea salonga at jessy mendiola

LEA Salonga came to the defense of Jessy Mendiola who was bashed left and right.

“For the record, I think Jessy Mendiola is one of the sexiest people I’ve ever cast my eyes on. It has less to do with her physique (which, by the way, is nothing to sneeze at) and more to do with how she carries herself. She could gain 20 pounds right now and my opinion of her wouldn’t change.”

“Sexy has nothing to do with the outer shell and all to do with what’s in you. You could be a Victoria’s Secret model and have zero sex appeal, or be someone customarily plus-sized and get everyone in the room to set their gaze upon you. Or your opinion could differ from mine and not be any less valid. It’s in the eye of the beholder.”

‘Yan ang aria ni Lea sa Facebook. Talaga lang, ha!!!